The Mad River Path Association (MRPA) recently installed these stations as part of the Wags for Bags campaign. The goal of this campaign is to encourage dog owners to leash and pick up after their pets while on the Mad River Path and in other public places.

We have nine new dog waste stations thanks to generous donations from individuals, Small Dog Electronics, Waterbury Veterinary Clinic, the Rotary and the towns of Waitsfield and Warren. We have a terrific group of folks who have generously volunteered to maintain them. The new stations can be found at the following Path sections: Meadow Road parking lot; Austin Walk by Lareau Swim Hole; Riverside Park; the Snowmaking Pond; Bridge Street Connection near the rain garden; Carroll Road near the Big Picture; The Village Path near the Farmers’ Market; and the Warren Path. There will be one soon at the Millbrook Trail, off German Flats Road. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to report the need for additional bags, etc.

We've been trying hard to create positive momentum with this Wags for Bags campaign. We are demonstrating to landowners who host the Path or are considering hosting the Path that we, at the Mad River Path Association, are responsive to their concerns about dogs and dog owners.  We thank the children that participated in the “Doggie Decorum” poster contest co-sponsored with The Valley Reporter. We also hope people and dogs of all ages attend and participate in the upcoming Wags for Bags Dog Show and Festival, July 16, from 2 to 5 p.m. at Lareau Farm. Rain or shine, admission is dog or cat food for Pawsitive Pantry. Some of the proceeds from a silent auction at this event will be used to replace the bag dispenser at the Warren Path dog station. 

Let’s not let a senseless act of random vandalism get us down! Woof!

Laura Brines, chair
Valley Dog Network,
an ad hoc committee of the MRPA, and Chair of the MRPA Board

