As The Valley Reporter said editorially: "It also fractures the political unity of three towns that have long banded together to address intra-municipal issues from ski area development to watershed issues to recreation."

In addition Warren, Waitsfield and Fayston meet many Constitutional and statutory standards. They include geographical compactness, contiguity and respect to town lines. The three towns also are consistent with the following Constitutional and statutory standards: "patterns of geography, social interaction, trade and common interests."

Ten years ago, The Valley and the legislative delegation had to fight to keep the three-town district and to oppose the proposal to join Waitsfield and Lincoln. This year we will have to join together again to maintain the geographic integrity of three towns that have worked very well together over a period of many years.

On July 11 at 8 a.m., the Fayston Board of Civil Authority will address the issue of Fayston's proposed division.


Bill Doyle, senator

Washington County
