If executed as presently proposed by the town, the project would be markedly detrimental to the beauty of the historic village streetscape and the safety of both vehicular traffic and its many pedestrians.
Work already completed without public input (that I know of) this fall -- the great venus car trap of absurdly deep ditches, no shoulders, on both sides -- has caught at least five vehicles so far this winter. It was partially washed out within a week of "completion" and makes walking in any weather, especially by the many children who walk there, an absolute hazard.
The exact placement of the bottom box culvert will result in the loss of one of the village's last old maples (25 feet up the road would save it). The location of the culvert empty below Main Street would eliminate an old stone footing (and a healthy red maple as well) -- the spot where villagers and tourists alike view the waterfall at the dam and photograph the covered bridge.
Paving the 1,400 feet proposed is the worst idea of an ill-conceived plan. All studies show it will be vastly more dangerous, with greatly increased vehicular speed, far more slippery conditions, and a constant need for increased over-maintenance, perhaps even matching the silliness on Main Street. Paving will speed up and dehumanize a rural treasure.
The Fuller Hill Road is a key element of our wonderful historic village. The Warren streetscapes are an essential part of the village beauty. Respectfully, I think this is an ill-advised project, poorly sited, and too quickly planned.
Gregory and Carolynn Schipa
