I have double-checked transcripts for three Harwood students and all three were wrong, with all three showing lower GPAs and class standings than they should have. The school has implemented corrections in the past week, but if your transcript has already gone out and if you took a language or algebra in middle school, you should double-check the calculations. Feel free to contact me if you would like my help. Two years ago, when my daughter graduated, a mistake was made on her transcript that was not detected until late in the spring. There is no telling whether she would have been accepted at other schools or received more financial aid if the colleges she applied to had received the correct information. I do not want to see that happen to anyone else.

Bob Skowronski

Editor's Note:The Valley Reporter contacted Harwood Union Principal Duane Pierson regarding this letter. Pierson's response appears below.

"Harwood Union High School, as all high schools in Vermont, utilizes a review and verification system for determining GPA calculations. Mr. Skowronski is correct to state that a change has taken place with eighth grade class values as it pertains to GPA calculations. We were aware of these changes and are in the process of making adjustments to those transcripts that were affected. Please note that this change in eighth grade class value is effective beginning this school year and was a result of discussions with the school board academic affairs and policy review committee over the past few months. Once our review process is complete we will send home adjusted transcripts to those affected. We are available to answer questions or concerns you may have."
