There is a public hearing scheduled for February 10, 2011, at 7 p.m. in
the Waitsfield Town Office to garner public input on these options. The
meeting will be taped for broadcast on MRVTV. The broadcast will also
include a walk-thru of the town office as well as the library.
One of the options is to expand both the library and town offices; a
drawing of this expansion will be available at the meeting. The other
possible plan would be for the town to move out of the building and
establish offices elsewhere. If the town moved out of the building, then
the library would be forced to move the children's room downstairs to
accommodate an elevator and new stairs. This would have a huge
disrupting influence on the library and should be discussed at the
meeting. Anyone interested in the Joslin Memorial Library should try to
attend the meeting and provide input on the plans.
Sandra Reilly
volunteer at Joslin Memorial Library