These are ideas of many learned men such as Milton Freedman, Martin Feldstein, or Paul Krugman and others. I also elaborated on the opinions of the New York Times and The Economist. Perhaps in your opinion I was wrong, but I am entitled to my viewpoints as are all the others who write in our community paper.
But the select board meeting has nothing to do with the subject of my letters. I must correct H. Motes that I wasn't leading anybody at the meeting. I came to present two specific questions not related with the subject meeting. Nobody knew what these questions were, thus nobody could rally behind them. I showed my legitimate dissatisfaction after I was told that I will not be permitted to ask my questions. My voice was displeasing and I apologized for that. I continue to be extremely concerned about the direction of this project. I guess H. Motes is not.   
In her letter Reality Check, Anne Vlahos asks, why were facts about the water project not presented during the informational campaign? My four letters during the campaign brought up facts about the project and at the time one could also asked, "Why so much space?" But it is through these types of letters that people can arrive at their own opinions. One cannot doubt that the project and others like it were approved in a democratic process thanks to the space in <MI>The Valley Reporter<D> that H. Motes feels is too liberally given away.

Matthew Jarosinski
