At the risk of too much reiteration, it should be noted that positions like town select board member and school board member represent voluntary positions that involve a significant amount time and hard work. It would be detrimental to our Valley towns to restrict each household to only one position within town government. Our Valley is an extraordinary place in part due to the legion of volunteers who enthusiastically and selflessly serve on a myriad of boards and committees. It is this community involvement and generosity that makes our Valley so vibrant.

It is also apparent after watching the replay of the January 31, 2011, Waitsfield Select Board meeting on Channel 44 that many members of the public are too quick to make accusations about "closed door politics" and about task force members purposefully lying. Most people watching this telecast would probably be predisposed to avoiding public service due to the rude behavior directed toward the select board. No, our public officials are not "professional politicians." Yes, they are volunteers trying to do the best they can. These volunteers make a significant sacrifice to the town, and instead of vilifying them, we should commend them for their hard work.  

The Waitsfield Select Board has demonstrated a willingness to listen and to negotiate. The current situation with the water project will require good communication and good intentions from all parties in order to be successfully resolved.  A positive recognition of what we have in common will help to facilitate resolution much more than negative accusations and rude behavior. You've heard the invitation to "Hug a Farmer." How about "hug a Valley volunteer"? The result will be a whole lot of huggin' going on and that could be a good thing.

Laura and Duncan Brines
