Like most readers, I am not an expert in renewable energy. I am, however, working very hard to get informed with a specific bias towards what seems to make sense for our Valley in particular and Vermont in general. There does seem to be a disconnect within the wind industry about the real environmental impacts of these developments and the health problems real people are experiencing when sited within a couple of miles of the larger turbines.

The same day I received your open letter there was a front page article in the New York Times about the problems people sited too close to the three big turbines in Vinalhaven, Maine, are experiencing. Articles like this are popping up in media outlets all over the country where people live close to big turbines. Clearly something is going on! I'd like our Valley to avoid these problems and choose renewable energy sources we can all live with.

Peter Boynton, Waitsfield
Friends of the Northfield Ridge  
