Purple loosestrife is that beautiful, tall, multi-spiked flowering invasive, now in full bloom, that's taking over roadsides, marshes and edges of people's lawns and is totally useless for wildlife. 

Over decades, I've watched it move north, along with other invasives, from where I grew up in Hudson Valley's dairy country south of Albany, NY, and a trip to Albany last weekend was very discouraging: It's winning.
On Vermont Public Radio's "Vermont Edition" on invasives this week, another Fayston caller, on hearing my call, offered to join me -- and others? -- in going out now and doing our bit. Yes! I'd love some company, and since the loosestrife is in full bloom, now's the time before it goes to seed. I've eradicated it in several locations over the years by pulling over and lopping off or pulling up individual plants. It's very satisfying.
Give me a call and let's go! Also, to all of those who have it in bloom nearby?  It's easy to pull out, but even cutting it off stops it for the year. Thanks to all who'll do even a tiny bit.
Judy Larson DiMario
