Donated books are either sold in the Friends' book sales or sent to Better World Books, an organization that sells used books online and gives a percentage of the profit back to the library. We scan the barcodes on the books to see which ones BWB will take. Out of the three bags, only one book was accepted and only five were suitable for our book sales. That left us with almost three full bags of books to discard. 

We can't accept textbooks or books that are out of date and no longer of interest to anyone. The library will not take dirty books, and I'm not talking about the content! Books fresh from someone's attic or basement are covered with dust, dirt and mildew, and are not pleasant to handle. 

The most important guideline for book donations is to have librarian Deborah Kahn, her assistant J. Butler or me screen them when the library is open. We can give you a receipt for the ones we take and will ask that you take the others back with you. Recent books in good condition are gratefully accepted.

Fran Plewak, president
Friends of the Warren Library
