This premier found the U.S. better than Cuba: Newfoundland Premier Williams had heart surgery in U.S.! This premier who oversees health care in Newfoundland chose the U.S., not England or Germany and sure as hell not Cuba; the procedure is refused in Canada.
David Axelrod said the new law emulates the Massachusetts health care system, but you say not comparable? OK, is it fair to compare to Medicare, the program 20 times more costly than initial predictions? Medicare trustees said, "Medicare's financial status is much worse." Its hospital insurance component (HI) already pays out more than it takes in and is busily eating away at its assets as we speak. Medicare will be bankrupt in eight years. Is it really difficult for leftists to believe the biggest government program will exceed predicted costs?

Though we have the best health care, costs are out of control. This new law will do nothing to stem costs. The left's panacea, utopia can be reached with one more tax and spend program. Health care companies are 4 percent of health care costs, which leaves 96 percent. I'm quite certain the single payer administrative costs will easily surpass this four percent! You and Obama need more demons!
Compare the California Public Employees Retirement System (CALPERS) to Social Security, the privately invested CALPERS allows members to retire at 57 with 80 percent of their pay. Social Security lets members retire at 67 (near future) and collect about $1,300 a month.  

Let the good citizens of The Valley start a foundation for uncovered Valley residents. Negotiate discounts with hospitals, pharmaceuticals and physicians for uninsured. Let physicians have calling hours at pharmacies (walk in) during flu season to maximize visits and reduce costs. Etcetera!
I'm sure Yankee ingenuity would be much more successful controlling costs than G-men dictating every coverage, charge and tax!

Paul Shaw
