Throughout their ownership of Vermont Yankee, Entergy has repeatedly attempted to evade the responsibility of decommissioning the plant. When first purchased, Entergy promised to assume the financial risks of decommissioning, nuclear waste disposal, etc. At this point, the decommissioning fund that Vermont rate-payers had been contributing to totaled $311 million. Entergy was supposed to support this fund, but as of 2009 they had not put any money into it.

Thus this fund had grown to only $385 million while the estimated cost for decommissioning had reached $987 million! Rather than attempting to rectify this problem, what was Entergy's last move of 2009? They attempted to create a spin-off corporation called Enexus that would take over ownership of Vermont Yankee, assuming all of its debt and thus going bankrupt and leaving the tab for Vermont taxpayers to pick up.
The Senate has said no. No, to continuing to operate a 20-year-old derelict nuclear reactor. No, to continuing to trust a dishonest corporation. Now the time has come to determine how to decommission Vermont Yankee and move towards clean energy. Clearly our state is ready for a future free of this polluting energy source.

Walter Sainsbury
Moretown, VT
