The news story, carried by the The Christian Science Monitor, New York Times, Washington Post and other legitimate media outlets described a satellite receiver that could intercept data feeds from American Predator drones. Through the careless use of inflammatory words, I ended up with a headline "Military incompetence is killing our children" that was hurtful and disrespectful to those that serve this great nation.

So, to those who took umbrage to my commentary, I offer a sincere apology. To all, I offer these lessons learned:

1. Never write something you would not want as a headline, because it will probably be used that way.

2. Make sure you have your facts straight. Don't assume that you have interpreted a trusted friend correctly. Call him or her and examine what he or she said and meant by what was said.

3. Before you hit the send button, hit the print button. Read the piece three times, mark it up, and put it in the drawer. Take it out the next day and, if you still think it demands to be sent, then hit the send button.

4. Righteous indignation is reserved for the righteous. Do you qualify? I don't.

Oh, and finally, my major premise... In the post-Vietnam, our military has re-established its honor and prestige. As a result, it has become increasingly difficult to criticize it or suggest that it spends unwisely. This, I think, is dangerous. This, I know, is only my opinion. Building a credible, well-researched case will be the topic of another day.

Thank you for reading.

Gary Crosby
Fayston, VT
