The reason I live in Vermont and not in the media-blasting metropolitan centers of this country is to escape the 24/7 "buy," "consume," "keep-up" culture our country promotes. Vermont is known for its quiet low-key atmosphere, at least that is what we promote to the outside world. Let's stay true to that perspective. I find the ever present commercials disguised as "information" running over the produce section in Shaw's an insult to my intelligence and avoid shopping there as a result.
I enjoy TV and view it at leisure in my own home. I do not force anyone else to watch or listen to my choices; please, do not force me to be bombarded by yours. Who will decide what is "on"? Do we get to change channels while waiting? Why do you feel I need to be entertained/brainwashed for the few minutes I may have to wait for service?

If you feel as I do, please make your opinion known to the bank. Maybe we can keep our Valley free of this encroaching media diarrhea.

Laurie M. Peters
