However, if you intentionally took them, which I highly suspect happened, then shame on you. As a survivor of violent crime in 1992, I can honestly say that this experience of having my skis stolen pales little in comparison. I find myself hurt, angry and saddened that we live in this wonderful, supportive Valley where crime, property and violent crime has and does continue to occur. I find it interesting that at Town Meeting today, I spoke out on the need to have adequately trained law enforcement coverage during vulnerable hours and in the very same day I become the victim of a property crime.

This mere act and other similar acts just prove to me once again that our failing economy, the lack of proper law enforcement and the lack of other crime preventive measures has caused the crime rate to rise and no one is immune from crime.

I want to thank Mad River Glen management and especially the rental shop for helping me out and providing me with some rentals so I could at least get out and ski a few runs. Thank you to Trooper Lucas, Vermont State Police, who responded immediately to my call.

Sue Russell
