Project Graduation offers a healthy and fun alternative to celebrating this momentous time in our children's lives by holding a substance-free event for our graduating seniors. With your support, the 2010 graduates can enjoy a night that will involve several fun activities to celebrate their hard work, friendship and high school memories, all alcohol and drug free. The estimated cost of this evening is $120 per person and there are 168 graduates. This amount covers the price of transportation, venue fees and food. We are working hard to raise these funds through special events and contributions.

The pink flamingo fundraiser is one of our special events. Project Graduation volunteers will be placing pink flamingos in yards all over the district. Each flamingo will have a plastic bag tied around its neck. In the bag will be a donation envelope and an information sheet. If you would like to donate to this cause, please put your donation in the envelope and a volunteer will stop by in a day or two to pick up the flamingo and the donation. If you choose not to donate to this cause, just leave the flamingo where it was placed and a volunteer will be by to remove it.

There will be a phone number on the information sheet that can be called if for any reason your contribution or flamingo is not picked up in a timely fashion.

Thank you in advance for supporting this important program.

The 2010 Project Graduation Committee
