We, the taxpayers, fund the mechanism that enforces our laws. I may not like a certain cop's approach or methodology, but when the rubber hits the road (no pun intended) we have asked that cop to do his or her job. We can approach his or her superior regarding job performance or we can nag at our legislators to change laws we may deem incorrect, insufficient or just plain idiotic.

My objection to the letter in question is the personal level of the attack on an individual in a very sophomoric tone. I think an opinion of law enforcement can be written without specific reference to an individual who is just doing what he has been instructed to do. The vitriolic comments are misguided and offensive. To opine that <MI>The Valley Reporter<D> is a terrible newspaper is okay. It's an opinion supported by free speech. But, to say the newspaper's editor, John or Jane Doe, is lower to the ground than a pregnant snake with only evil intent always on his/her mind takes the opinion to a level that accomplishes nothing but the perpetuation of more vile innuendo.

Kevin E. Eurich
Warren, VT and Myrtle Beach, SC
