We need insurance for all citizens, but we also need doctors to be more cost conscious. When I talked to my doctor's nurse about how expensive one of the tests was that I had, she said, "He never thinks about the cost when he orders them." I needed his care, but I probably didn't need that particular test. However, I am sure it helped bring profit to the large hospital that billed me for it.

We all know that corporate America is profiting at the expense of ordinary citizens. The pharmaceutical companies are among the worst. I nearly fell over at Vincent's Pharmacy last fall when I was charged $191 for a drug I was picking up. I reminded the kind staff member that I had health insurance. She told me that the drug would have been nearly $400 without my coverage.
Our health care system is broken. Most doctors profit by providing more care, not necessarily the best care or the care that is truly necessary. Pharmaceutical executives are being paid incredible salaries while we give up groceries to buy their drugs. We need health care reform and we need it now. We can't put it off, especially with the new powers over our government that the Supreme Court just granted to corporations. We need health care reform this year in Washington!

I hope Vermonters will let their voices be heard in Washington.

I also hope that Vermonters will let their voices be heard in Montpelier. Governor Douglas cannot be allowed to make health care coverage attainable to even less Vermonters. There are already too many Vermonters with no coverage. I know there is a big budget shortfall, but it can't be solved by giving even less Vermonters access to health care coverage.

Vermont is the greatest state in a great county, yet I know that neither will be truly great until each and every citizen has access to affordable, quality health care.

Laura Caffry
