The passage of the H.R.3962 Affordable Health Care for America Act on November 7 was not a perfect solution to my examples of unmet need; the bill has been modified in conciliatory efforts to seek bi-partisan approval. However, I hope all Americans will have the vision and foresight to recognize the historical significance of the passage of this comprehensive health care reform bill. Regardless of whether or not they supported it, I firmly believe it will provide secure and stable coverage for those who have insurance, expand coverage for those who do not, and lower overall costs for the majority of citizens.

Thank you to the members of the U.S. House of Representatives who voted for this bill. Thank you for representing the primary voices of your constituents. After nearly a century of attempts by Congress, we are closer than we've ever been to taking care of all Americans' health care needs. For that fact, I am truly grateful.

Adele Nichols
