What existed before the Big Bang? Who existed before the Big Bang? Was there existence before the Big Bang? Does the Genesis story contradict or verify the Big Bang?

On Sunday evening, November 1, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Warren Church, come and join us for the second workshop in the series: Intersections of Science and Religion. The topic of the evening will be "In the beginning: The congruence of Genesis, the Singularity and the Big Bang." While we will probably not save the planet, we will have a lively discussion from many perspectives on the relationship between science and religion, and how that relationship affects our lives.

Come on down and set a spell. It will be fun. We would be delighted if you can bring a light snack to share.

"Intersections of Science and Religion" is an adult educational series that is managed and moderated by a group of interested residents of The Valley. While the series is hosted at the Waitsfield and Warren churches, it is not a church-sponsored event. Most importantly, all are welcome, as the learning experience of the series is only enhanced by the participation of multiple faith and no faith traditions. 

If you have any questions about the session or series, please call me at (802) 496-9697.

Gary Crosby
