It took me three and one half years to get a permit to build this dam, which was considered and called a hazardous structure and should have large blasted rock on the down face side, which cost me a lot of money to do, but that was part of my permit.

The Waterbury dam is considered a hazard also and has a down face of heavy blasted rock. They claim that the reason for doing this work is to save the town money in the future because it is so hard to mow it by hand.

I am 80 years old and I would mow it in a half day with my weedwacker. This project is a terrible waste of tax money. Apparently, the town crew wants nothing to do but sit in their big equipment and ride. I am glad that I grew up at a time when a man was not afraid of a little manual labor.

I would think that they would have learned a lesson when Waitsfield did work on their little pond without a permit.

Lenord Robinson, dam builder
