This program has been successfully operating in the Alliance communities since 1994. For the first time someone abused the program and left 20 gallons of a mixture of oily waste in five-gallon containers hidden from view under the sandwich board identifying when the event was to be held at the entrance to the High School.
By providing these twice a year programs at minimal cost to the generators of the waste we avoid the environmental and safety hazards that illegal disposal creates. What was abandoned at the school was done illegally and irresponsibly. Fortunately the hazardous waste contractor was still onsite when the sign was being removed and the waste was discovered.

Thus the material was able to be properly disposed and there was no environmental damage. The Mad River Resource Management Alliance works with all of our communities to get the word out about these events so that people can plan to properly arrange to handle their material in a reasonable manner. If you can't bring the waste on the day of the event, see if one of your neighbors can bring it or hold it until the next event. But do not abandon it for any reason.

John Malter, director
Mad River Resource Management Alliance
