For the first time, we will also be providing an online version of the survey. In addition to being paper-free, the online survey will have additional space available for lengthier comments. The online survey will be available through the town website ( 

Those who fill out a survey online will be entered in a raffle for a free lunch for two at the Village Grocery -- where you can discuss your hopes for the town with a friend over a tasty meal.

The deadline to complete the Town Survey is October 12, 2009. Once we receive and sort the information, the Planning Commission will schedule a public forum to discuss the results -- as well as other topics -- with the community.
Thank you for your time, and thank you for being a part of the 2010 Town Plan process.

Waitsfield Planning Commissioners:
Steve Shea, Peter Lazorchak, Russ Bennett, Kari Dolan, Hadley Gaylord Jr.,
Drew Simmons, Ted Tremper
