Given this, it is interesting that Mr. Covino criticizes socialism. Remember it was the big capitalists, Henry Ford, Bayer pharmaceuticals, Volkswagen, etc. who supported Hitler, Mussolini and the fascists, not the American socialists and communists. As a matter of fact, it was the American socialists and communists who, in the 1930s, formed the Abraham Lincoln Brigade and fought in Spain against Franco and the fascists. It was the capitalists who massacred the American Indians and enslaved the Africans so they could build their massive cotton and tobacco plantations and get rich. On the contrary, the Russians and Chinese have committed atrocities of their own under the banner of communism. Anyone anywhere can use the name of a socio-economic ideal to use torture and terrorism to enforce their ideals.

So this is my point, whether your socio-economic ideal is capitalism or socialism, we can all work together if we understand that all of us are patriotic Americans working for a better future for ourselves and the world.

Robin Lehman
