My wife, Barbara Jean, joined a pitifully small group of 50 from our great state of Vermont. I embrace her and that group as real patriots who feel frustrated that subversive community organizers had the power to elect our current leader with votes from possibly fictitious citizens.

Before we allow another $9 trillion debt in the name of medical insurance reform to pass on to our grandchildren, together with a "bailout" that has taken the hard-earned money of our citizens to pay millions in retirement gifts to retiring corporate executives, we should insist upon a public referendum.

When I pulled a fragment of shrapnel out of my buddy's chest that had Chinese lettering on it, I never could have imagined that my country would be paying $8 million in interest to the same country for a debt that continues to escalate.

All our fiscal problems would vanish if we had a leader who is courageous enough to announce a one-year moratorium upon all foreign aid. For jobs, look to the years following Pearl Harbor when every capable citizen worked in our own steel mills to build a powerful military machine or revisit the CCC and WPA that took us out of a deep Depression. A draft could help to clean up the acts of our recalcitrant teenagers, build our military strength to what it was in the 1940s and bring back our National Guard from that futile war in Afghanistan to reassign them to their original mission, protecting our borders.

We had a chance to put a military man in charge of this nation at war. We chose an eloquent speaker from the crooked Chicago political machine who has never looked down the barrel of a gun. Wake up, America. Socialism has a disastrous history.

Thank you, Barbara Jean, for being an angel of a wife and a great patriot.

Frank Covino
