So no one is politicizing the planning process, particularly a select board member. The first duty assigned a planning commission in Title 24 of the Vermont Statutes is to prepare a plan and amendments thereof for consideration by the select board (emphasis added). To use a business analogy, the select board is the client, the planning commission is the contractor. If the client has questions about the work, it only makes sense for the client to raise them, the sooner the better.

Some clients do micro-manage; it's a hazard of being in the service business. Sometimes it costs more. Sometime it saves time, money and aggravation. But at least you know the client is participating in the process. Many voters expressed their discontent with the Waitsfield planning process this March to current members of the select board. These members are taking a proactive position by getting involved in the process. It would be a dereliction of the duty assigned them by statute. "The selectmen shall have the general supervision of the affairs of the town..." 24 VSA §872.

If the select board were to take your advice, I could envision the editorial headline 18 months from now when the select board votes down the planning commission's new/amended plan. Where has the select board been?

Mark Grosby
