1. The spillage was caused by a malfunction in the tailgate latching system (accidental and not relative to carelessness).
2. Kingsbury Construction responded immediately to the situation with three two-man crews to move the stone to the side of the road.
3. A two-man crew went out the next day and removed all the stone that was moved to the side of the road.
4. Though rare, this type of thing can happen and has happened to construction vehicles carrying material from top soil to Staymat.
5. It wasn't the loss of a 17-cubic-yard load. It was a loss of approximately one-third of a cubic yard.
Providing photos to a newspaper is business as usual. I would suggest, however, that an incident like this is deserving of details so that negative conclusions are not drawn or at least there is the benefit of enough information to form conclusions, whatever they may be.

In closing, Kingsbury Construction would like to thank the citizens like Mike Ware who assisted with the stone removal and the motorists who were patient during the clean-up process.

Kevin Eurich
