"At the core of the issue the idea of being stealth. If we stopped keeping secret our views we might all have a chance to an open conversation in which we might have a chance of finding understanding for one another, and free ourselves from a deadly stalemate and shame."

So when speaking about pro-life versus pro-choice it might help to change the words. We all support life, we simply choose different roads, and we in the end are responsible for implementing our choices. In birth like in abortion we need proper care and our choices need to be respected.

If we over-populate the earth we die. If we under-populate we do not survive and we die.

It is our job as people to be responsible for our seed and to weed a healthy garden is one of our responsibilities.

Sometimes over-planting is inevitable, and when birth control methods fail, we all make different choices. 

Sometimes nature provides food in unexpected dandelion seeds, in heirloom rhubarb and long lost peonies, but sometimes we purposefully sow seeds and plan out for ourselves or for many.

To impose birth of any kind on a woman is unconscionable, as it is to remove her child from her by force, or to force her to have a child. We as people can become more compassionate with one another. We can learn from our past and without shame bring the best of ourselves to the future, and as people we can choose our destiny, honor our choices, and those of others, and respect ourselves and the earth. If we do this we just might all win.

So today I ask of each judge to be responsible with their own actions and to respect our choices as well as our differences of opinion. 

And maybe if those who stand in judgment where to lift the veil of secrecy and shine a light into the stealth spaces we might all breathe a little easier, and we might find a renewed sense of respect and compassion for each others' choices.

That's what was on my mind.

Caroline Tavelli-Abar
