As a family doctor for almost 40 years and a volunteer at a regional free clinic, I have grown sadly accustomed to the increasing struggles of many working and unemployed families to maintain health and human services. As a board member and land steward with a volunteer Vermont nonprofit involved for a decade in conserving wild areas and maintaining access to land, public and private, for recreation, I have learned how challenging it can be to preserve our natural landscape.

So when I learned about the governor's budget alternative, which for all practical purposes would eliminate the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board, I thought I should write this letter. VHCB has for years provided key public investment into affordable housing and land conservation. Gutting VHCB means the loss of hundreds of construction jobs, the reduction in many areas of affordable housing projects, the loss of federal farmland support dollars, and the end of support for community-driven conservation projects.

Although the Legislature's budget calls for significant reductions in VHCB investments, it keeps the program alive. The governor's proposal offers no hope of resuscitation and should be vetoed.

Richard Katzman MD
