The select board ignored the voters' decision to have a half-time town clerk and opted to make the position full time. They have ignored the Town Plan written in 2008 and made the board secretary's part-time position also full time at the same pay rate as our elected clerk and treasurer. The budget, although 8 percent higher than last year, appears to be missing line items. There is no budget for highway equipment repair despite spending every year. Where is the town garage debt reduction that we were told would be around $77,300 this year?
I have many other questions and some may be answered at pre-Town Meeting, but I still say vote "no." We will have two new select board members after Town Meeting and I feel we need to give these people the opportunity to join with the remaining board and establish a budget that they honestly feel they can live with.
Vote "no" to the budget and the special articles and let the new board give honest consideration to what our fiscal situation is.

Kelley Wood
