Buying bottled water has become a fad for many Americans. In fact $10 billion is spent each year on bottled water in America, which doesn't account for the money spent on petroleum to make the plastic bottles or the gas involved to ship it around the country.

It is true, there are contaminants found in our natural drinking sources, but those are heavily monitored by the EPA. In Vermont, we have the Water Supply Division in Waterbury (a primacy of the EPA) whose primary focus is to ensure the safety of public water systems relying upon a well or spring. There are several schools, restaurants, businesses and grocery stores that do have access to town water systems and must be regulated. This is not true for the bottled water industry. They have been slow to act and slow to enforce such regulation on bottled water; see

Water is essential to life and we are responsible for protecting our planet, so it is time to take care of the resources available to us and grow to be healthier individuals.

Jenneth Fleckenstein
