There was no settlement between the Town of Moretown, Rivers and others. There was a settlement between ANR and Rivers to drop the Direct Discharge Permit (DDP) appeal if Rivers applied for and received coverage under the multi-sector general permit (MSGP). ANR granted Rivers his MSGP, and Rivers promptly filed a motion to dismiss his DDP appeal based on his settlement agreement with ANR. The Neighbors filed a response objecting to this motion to dismiss the DDP appeal as we do not think the MSGP covers the DDP issues of impacts of the proposed quarry's discharges of process wastewater to the Mad River. The appeal of the DDP denial also allows for consideration that Rivers had not received, or even applied for, any ANR permits that would protect the Neighbors' wells.

The appeal of the Rivers ANR denial of his DDP is still very much active and being considered by the Environmental Court. The neighbors did decide to not appeal the granting of the MSGP permit as our interests are addressed in the still active Rivers' appeals of his denials for the DRB, ACT250 and DDP permits.

Thank you for printing this clarification.

Denise Sanders

