The Moretown Select Board has denied our petition. Two hundred signers demanded the Board to stop spending money to fight the Rivers' Moretown Quarry.

This year alone more than $60,000 has been spent; the budget we voted on only allowed for $25,000 for total town legal expenses for the year. As much as $30,000 more in expenses could be incurred by the end of 2008.

Should you like to be heard, you may respond by phone to your board: Don Wexler, 496-7504; John Hoogenboom, 223-6584; Paula Mastroberadino, 496-4992; Stephanie Venema, 496-2035; and Rae Washburn, 496-2035. You may also email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

A simple "I signed the Moretown Taxpayer petition" or if you didn't get a chance to sign, "I support the Moretown Taxpayer petition"; certainly feel free to say more or to respond anonymously.

Jack Wood

for the Moretown Taxpayers for Common Cents
