As most of you know, a citizen petition has led our town to a third bond vote for a municipal water project, a project that has attracted a great deal of citizen debate and disagreement. The vote will be held on November 4, and we would like to publicly voice our support for this project.  

It addresses a documented need for water quality and quantity in Waitsfield Village and Irasville. It is supportive of our school both for quality of water and for increased kitchen and other capacity, as the school would gain room for septic expansion if it were on municipal water. It is supportive of business growth in our community, as it would create much greater flexibility for expansion and use of land in Irasville.  

Finally, it benefits the broader community by positioning us to grow into the Town Plan vision that our community adopted in 2005. This is a vision of a thriving, rural community with opportunities for business and residential development in a pedestrian-friendly village center, surrounded by a scenic and healthy agricultural landscape. We hope you will join us in casting your yes vote for the future of our community.

Select Board: Roy Hadden, Paul Hartshorn, Charlie Hosford (chair), Bill Parker, Kate Williams

Planning Commission: Russ Bennett, Brian Fleisher, Hadley Gaylord Jr., Peter Lazorchak, Robin Morris, Steve Shea (chair), Ted Tremper

Development Review Board: Eleanor D'Aponte, Gib Geiger, Mike Kingsbury, Brian Shupe (chair), Mark Sinclair
