The administration and the school board reviewed the costs and benefits and quickly realized that it would be in the best interest of the school to do so. Why?  

First, it would relieve the school of its current responsibilities for ongoing monitoring of water quality at the school. Monthly testing and systems management would not be necessary if we were part of a larger municipal system.  

Second, the school could avoid an upcoming system upgrade required by the State of Vermont. This upgrade to our disinfection system is scheduled to take place next summer and will cost between $25,000 and $35,000. While we are securing grants and loans to support this project, there are implications for taxpayers and a municipal system would avoid this cost.  

Finally, a municipal system would enable us to consider onsite food preparation for our school lunch program. The septic system cannot be expanded as long as we operate our water system. With a municipal system, we would be able to expand the septic to accommodate the demands of a full kitchen as current separation of water and septic would no longer apply. These are a few of the benefits for the school should the citizens of Waitsfield decide to approve the municipal water system.

Richard Schattman, principal

Waitsfield Elementary School
