Freecyle, which can be accessed at, is a nationwide organization dedicated to keeping unwanted but usable materials out of the waste stream. There are several Freecycle groups in Vermont -- the closest to The Valley are Burlington Freecycle and Washington County Freecycle. I use Freecycle all the time to dispose of things I no longer need or to seek items I want which someone else may wish to recycle; there are many others in The Valley who use Freecycle, too. An amazing variety of things are offered and taken on Freecycle -- quite literally something for everyone. It's certainly no more trouble to share items this way than to leave them on Valley roadsides.

If you'd like to use Freeecycle and either don't have a computer or an internet connection, all of our libraries do, and they're free, too.  

Meanwhile, let's all hope someone reclaims the brown leather sofa section that's been at the bottom of our hill for a week.

Dinsmore Fulton

