If you own land with open hayed fields, your one-acre zoning, in their hands and these new regulations, will be no-acre zoning for you.

If you think you have an asset in your land holdings, think again, unless you want to sell your whole property.  You may think you have a portion of your land that will be sold when you need money. Think again. Read these proposed Subdivision Regulations online at www.waitsfieldvt.us.

Under subdivision regs adopted 7 23 07


Pg 16 section 3.3: Intact parcels of productive farmland should be designated as open space.

G. Lot boundaries on development envelopes shall be located and configured to avoid undue adverse impacts to primary agricultural soils and other open farm fields.

I am forever grateful to Karl Klein. He saw that this family would have been run out of town and forced to sell the whole family farm, that has been held for seven generations, by the town's vision for our land.

Robin Foster

