To The Editor:
I am 66 years old and have had a few firsts this year, one was donating to a campaign to support our democracy and two is writing to a newspaper editorial today. I would like to thank the town of Waitsfield for allowing the supporters of Ukraine's fight against the invading country of Russia to protest the embarrassing treatment of President Zelensky.
I am old enough to remember the Cold War and the horrible living conditions under dictators in Eastern Europe. I have known friends from Germany whose parents lived through Hitler's control and remained in Germany. Myself and my WWII parents never judged Germans for what their leader did. I do hope that the world does not judge all Americans because of a few oligarchs.
Many Trump supporters who really believed in him and now see the truth are sorry they ever supported him. It is up to citizens of the United States and the world to not allow another dictator caring only about himself to rise to power.
Make America, America again!
Diane Perry Burdick
Kingston Rhode Island
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