This is in response to Clark Amadon,

What a beautiful piece. I loved it.






(And, as an aside, I respect and appreciate The Valley Reporter, for printing us.

I have to say this because Front Porch Forum keeps censoring me and this paper doesn’t.)

I am the issues writer, I’m pretty sure. I’m Robin Lehman.

I really believe in specificity. I’m talking to you, Clark Amadon, because I respect you. You wrote an excellent piece. 

Nonetheless, as much as Trump is a cowardly rapist, genocide seems equally difficult to explain to my grandkids. This is not a minor “issue” to me. How about Palestinians’ grand kids?

I can’t support genocide.

I couldn’t vote for Harris or Trump.

Because I am responsible to my children and their children.

You, Clark, and I, Robin, are responsible for the genocide in Palestine.

I have to be specific: you and I are having this discussion in this public place. But, of course, you and I are just components in the fabric of opinion in The Valley and the world.

So, we have to balance between our personal obligations and our obligations to the world.

Therefore, I thank you and The Valley Reporter for having this discussion.

I think that is as important as our discussion of Harris vs. Trump.

Robin Lehman
