To The Editor:

The Waitsfield wastewater system is important for the Mad River Valley community.





On June 11, Waitsfield voters will play a crucial role in deciding the future of the Mad River Valley by considering a $15 million bond vote to support the funding of the proposed wastewater system. This bond is a vital step toward building a community wastewater treatment system that would serve Irasville and Waitsfield Village. Your vote is not just a choice; it's a significant contribution to the Mad River Valley community.

I know there has been debate about the vote date, but like many of the questions surrounding the wastewater project, the town has provided succinct and solid answers. I encourage all voters and ineligible voters to visit the town’s site at, to get the facts.

Due to geography, Waitsfield is the commercial center of our picturesque Valley. It is where you go to the bank, the doctor or dentist, the supermarket, the hardware store, and more. As The Valley grows, and it will whether we want it to or not, it needs to do so in a planned and responsible way. With the growth of The Valley will come growth pressure on its commercial center, Irasville, and Waitsfield Village.

While the Wastewater Project's capacity is limited, it will serve many failing and outdated septic systems in the service area, mitigating environmental degradation of the river and our groundwater. It will also provide for growth by allowing infill development and commercial growth in the service area. Infill development will not solve the housing shortage, but it is a start, and with a wastewater infrastructure, the possibility of middle-income housing can become a reality.

Around The Valley, you hear people talk about saving our character and natural beauty, and I fully support that premise. This vote on June 11 allows us to recognize that density is the savior of open spaces and the protection of our natural resources. Our villages and downtowns should be densely populated, and our forests and meadows should remain undeveloped. Infrastructure is critical for density. Vote in favor of the wastewater project bond. It is for the greater good, which includes us all.

Bob Ackland