To The Editor:

Although some of these topics were discussed at the select board wastewater treatment informational meeting, on May 8 at the Waitsfield United Church of Christ, others may have further questions as I do. One reason offered in support of a municipal wastewater system for Waitsfield is the need for affordable housing.  The theory is that once landowners in the downtown development zone connect to the municipal wastewater system, protective well shields can be abolished; thereby, increasing the land available for housing.




What assurances exist that landowners in the target zone will connect to the town line?  

 If connection, as well as the potential of connection, to municipal sewer is viewed as an enhancement to property market value, how does this increase in value advance the goal of affordable housing?

Is there convincing support that landowners in the target zone will agree to make their properties available for housing? And at monetary levels that render that housing affordable?

The meeting can be viewed at

Sal Spinosa