To The Editor:
I am writing in support of Jordan Gonda for the three-year term on the Waitsfield Select Board. Jordan and I have served together on the board this past year and have formed a friendship beyond those roles. I’ve come to appreciate her perspectives and balanced insights when analyzing any matter that comes before our board as well as her fact-based decision-making process. She has taken personal time to lend her assistance to me as both town health and animal control officer.
As a young homeowner, parent and a full-time professional, she has brought a perspective to our board that has been sorely missing and will be important in future decisions. Further, she genuinely cares about the viewpoint of all participants in a discussion and is not driven by a single agenda. Thus, I strongly urge you to vote for Jordan Gonda for Waitsfield Select Board member, as I will be doing.
Fred Messer