This letter is addressed to Governor Phil Scott.

Dear Governor Scott,

What about us? The 0 to 4-year-olds that are unable to get vaccinated and were not included in the rapid test handout for school-aged children 5 and older last week.



What about us? The parents of 0 to 4-year-olds who can’t find rapid tests to test our children before dropping them off at child care? Do we stay home from our jobs because our children aren’t being offered the same protection by the state as older children are?

What about us? The preschool/ child care center teachers and staff that aren’t included in the PCR tests being done by the state weekly in the public schools.

What about us? The child care center directors who are scrambling to locate tests for our teachers and parents to allow us to stay open safely.

After a request from a local child care center was made to the state for staff testing and rapid tests for young children. we received the following response on December 31, 2021, from the Child Development Division: ‘We know that children under 5 years need testing. The state is looking at how any extra test kits can be distributed to families with young children. Like other states, we are constrained by the current supply of rapid tests nationally. However, as more of these take-home, rapid tests become available, we’ll get as many as possible, as fast as possible, into the hands of Vermonters -- including for families with young children. Meanwhile, Vermont has a world-class testing infrastructure, which includes PCR tests. The regular schedule of PCR testing clinics resumes immediately after the holidays. We encourage Vermonters to continue to use the PCR tests in addition to the at-home antigen testing as the supply of them increases.’


There were no PCR appointments available prior to school starting on January 4 and future appointments remain scarce in Washington County.

This is unacceptable. Our littlest unvaccinated children should be prioritized. Your words about the importance of child care and early education in our state are inconsistent with your actions.

Help us now.

Moie Moulton, executive director, Neck of the Woods Childcare Center, Waitsfield

Kira Harris, executive director, Spring Hill School, Waitsfield