This letter is addressed to:
Dear HUUSD Board,
I'm writing to you today about your disingenuous survey on potential construction at Crossett Brook Middle School. I won't fill it out because I believe your results will be skewed and biased, and I'd like it to be redone.
For example, the survey announcement says: "At the end of May, the Board will be deciding whether to continue with the plan to move all 7th and 8th graders to CBMS and, if so, what types of changes should be made to the CBMS campus to best support our students."
However, the questions don't make any room for whether; they only focus on the what. To get even more specific, question two asks about doublewide trailers being used as temporary classrooms at CBMS. I personally don't want trailers being used for classrooms, especially not if Harwood Union Middle School classrooms are sitting empty down the road, but the survey doesn't let me say that. It would make me choose between saying I'm okay with trailers being used for "1-5 years," "a long time," or "either approach."
As I said, it's disingenuous. I want more layers. I want the option to say, no, I don't support moving all students to CMBS. I want the option to say, no, I don't support using trailers, especially when there are adequate classrooms sitting empty at Harwood.
As a community member and taxpayer, I want to share my true thoughts with you, and I think that you should want to collect them.
I want a new survey.
Peter Langella