To The Editor:

I have not visited the Waitsfield Pedestrian Safety website yet, but I have some ideas on traffic safety in general, and they are extremely simple.

All of us need to get off our devices and pay better attention to our driving. That text message or “important” phone call can wait and go to voicemail.

More enforcement? Maybe, but it is on us to set a better example and police ourselves. If you go 30 mph in the village or less, herd mentality dictates they will too. You be the good citizen, the rest of us will get the message. Whether you have lived here six months or six years or 46 years (me), we all must share the road in a safe and responsible manner.

There is actually a law on the books in Vermont – The Basic Speed Rule – that addresses this. Every operator of a vehicle in this state may not exceed the posted limit and, moreover, shall adjust their speed for hills, curves, weather, other road users, whether in a village or on a rural highway. We are all responsible for our own actions – period.

Yes, I am noticing many more people from away and, yes, they seem to e driving at a different pace – what the heck is their hurry? Maybe some blue lights need to get their attention.

I trust parking lot safety is also addressed – as a driver educator my rule for parking lots is “walking speed.” It is not a number; it is being focused on the dangers at hand.

There is a lot going on at the Bridge Street intersection. Yes, it needs mitigation of some type, but it all is made more doable by a reduction in speed

Share the road Drive defensively -- like yours or someone else’s life depends on it. Because it does.

In the words of Jim Morrison of The Doors: “Keep your eyes on the road and your hands upon the wheel.”

Buckle up, slow the heck down – love your neighbor.

John Lynch