To The Editor:

Christine has worked diligently on behalf of our schools and Valley community. She brings a huge resume of experience to her role as a select board member. Fred brings community experience, service and courage on behalf of the town and all Valley residents.

Fred had the courage to invoke a Waitsfield emergency last spring requiring masks being worn in Waitsfield, only to be rejected by three members of the Waitsfield Select Board, including Paul Hartshorn. Now, hindsight sadly shows, that over 450,000 deaths have occurred due to COVID. Ironically, Fred’s courage and foresight were predictive of the future, even in the face of opposition from Paul Hartshorn who called Fred’s motion to mandate masks communism. Fred’s courage had all Valley residents in mind. Waitsfield needs new people on the select board who have vision and a contemporary understanding of the challenges of 2021 and beyond.

Don Simonini