Dear Mad River Community:

The Mad River Valley Volunteer Response Team, established in March to assist with COVID needs, continues to be here to help. Community members in need of support can be connected to volunteers available to shop and deliver food, pick up and deliver emergency medications from pharmacies and run errands should you or your household members need to quarantine or isolate. To request support, go to or call 496-4746. Please send any questions or thoughts to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

To help long-term visitors and part-time residents be compliant with the state of Vermont guidelines listed here:, the Mad River Valley Volunteer Response Team will connect you with a volunteer to shop, inform and assist during the recommended seven- or 14-day quarantine. Please be advised this initiative is for both second-home owners and long-term visitors. For more information, contact 802-496-4746.

The MRV Volunteer Response Team supports MRVCares’ call to action to remind people to wear masks and continue to practice social distancing.

Stay healthy and strong,

MRV Volunteer Response coordinators: Jess Tompkins, Lynn Barnes, Cory Stephenson, Marie Schmukal, Betsy Jondro, Sally Kendall and Kelly Bix