To The Editor:

I would like to start this by saying that I do believe every member of the Waitsfield Select Board has noble intentions in fulfilling their role on behalf of the town. The same can be said for everyone that offered comments at their most recent meeting to discuss a mask mandate in Waitsfield. Whether they were for the mandate or not, people spoke from their heart and that is healthy and helpful.

I am going to speak from my heart now as I did at that meeting. Admittedly, I am not a highly- educated man. I think I do have some common sense and a reasonable amount of practical wisdom.

The arguments I heard against a mask mandate revolved around three issues.

First, what is the liability for the town if this is passed, none was the answer!

Second, how will it be enforced? It will be enforced by people who care. That includes business owners, private citizens and town officials, if they care.

Third, "my body, my choice, personal autonomy" I agree with this sentiment unless my choice puts others at risk. If that happens my choice is not OK and should be regulated.

It was very sad that the select board did not pass this mandate as written. The amended version that was adopted is useless. The final decision of the majority voting displayed poor judgment and a bit of stubborn arrogance. That is my opinion and I feel it is always OK to state your opinion.

Joe Robinson, Warren,
Director of maintenance for
Waitsfield Elementary School