To The Editor:

Your neighbors at Mehuron’s Supermarket would like to remind our customers that effective July 1, 2020, single-use plastic bags are banned for packing groceries. While we applaud the effort to lessen the amount of plastic in the waste system, there is a second part of the law passed by the Legislature that is way less palatable.

The law is written to require businesses to charge a minimum of 10 cents for any paper bag we use to pack groceries that is more than 10-inches high. Please don’t shoot the messenger here. We have no choice. Please feel free to contact your legislators who passed this bill to express your displeasure.

We will be charging that minimum 10 cents for grocery bags effective July 1. We stock inexpensive ($1) and heavier duty, more expensive ($7) reusable bags, and we encourage our customers to purchase and use them. We will be exploring options to reinvest that collected bag fee into nonprofit organizations throughout the Mad River Valley. Rest assured Mehuron’s will not be profiting from this collected fee.

Tom Mehuron

Mehuron’s Supermarket, Waitsfield, Vermont