To The Editor:
A point of clarification to the recent article in the August 29 edition of The Valley Reporter titled “Warren pauses plantings.” The article sounds like I simply did not like the plantings and because of this the town has suspended the plan. This is not the case. I have been vocal in objecting to the planting design because it would eliminate a safe walking path for pedestrians. The need for a safe walking path has been my focus when communicating with the town of Warren Select Board and Planning Commission. The current “path” was created by use. It is used by pedestrians of all kinds as a safe passage along a busy street to the Warren Village shops, The Pitcher Inn, the river and beyond.
It is the town’s goal to have those embarking from cars to use the existing bricks as a walkway. As it exists now, the bricked lane visually indicates a parking lane for cars. The visual cues that exist do not support what the town is trying to achieve and leaves motorists and pedestrians confused. Hence, cars are being parked where indicated by the bricks and pedestrians created their own safe walkway adjacent to the bricks along my property’s lawn.
If the town plan eliminates this path, then they must identify a new path as such, either by painting the walkway bricks a color, drawing a line showing where to walk and where to park and perhaps including tasteful small signage.
I have been a business owner in Warren Village for many (30) years. I have witnessed the habits of people. If you want to encourage walking, then a suitable path must be made.
Virginia Roth
Warren, Vermont